Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Reflections on Session 1

This class reflects a broad spectrum of backgrounds. I like classes like these -- you get a wide range of perspectives. I predict a very stimulating class this semester!

Miss Rambo, our mean and evil TA, is upset that several students forgot to include the name of the student they are responding to. However, I feel that this is just a minor concern. I am glad students met the 100-word minimum -- this helps to ensure depth to the responses.

I hope students are applying critical thinking and analysis to the discussion question contributions. It's easy to copy and paste info, but graduate school is all about higher order thinking. The current events postings are really on target! Seems like there are a lot of interest in a variety of areas.

As for the blogs, it would be great to add a little more pizzazz with the addition of images, relevant links and (yes) even humor!

Looks like a terrific semester coming up!!!!

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